Saturday, January 24, 2009

NVU Lab Exercise Videos

I have posted some short videos of the steps in the NVU Web Page Development lab exercises on our SOUL course web site (login required). Hope you find them helpful.

Let me know if there are other steps you want me to record on video.

I'd also like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous Lunar New Year ! Kung Hei Fat Choi !

Source of photo:

best wishes,
- Jenny

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Session 3 - Databases

This week we learned how data is organized in a relational database. We looked at actual tables in a database, and we learned how to create a query and a report using MS ACCESS.

Videos showing how to build the query and report in MS ACCESS have been uploaded to our course web site on SOUL. Look for the videos under the "General Documents" folder. You need Windows Media Player to view the videos. Let me know if you can't view the videos as I can provide you with another (free) player.

For the lab exercise, we continued building the Products page. A table is used to layout the product catalog, and hyperlinks are used to allow the user to jump quickly to specific sections on the same page (e.g. by defining anchors named top, shoes, balls, apparel).

A lightbox effect can also used to show an enlarged version of the product photo within an expanded box in the browser window.

Here's the output of the Monday group.

Here's the output of the Tuesday group.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Group Assignment: Post # 1

This week we looked at several Internet Marketing methods. Together with your groupmates, find a specific example of how a company is using each method below:
  • Blog
  • Interactive advertisement
  • Search engine
  • Online partnerships or affiliate marketing
  • RSS feeds
  • Social networking
  • Gadgets
By the way, the examples you find do not all have to come from the same company.

In your group blog, list all the examples you find, together with links to each example. Also provide a description of the effectiveness of each example.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Session 2 - Internet Marketing

We discussed the differences between Internet Marketing (online) and traditional marketing (offline). We also discussed the need to integrate Internet and traditional marketing efforts.

Here are some Internet Marketing methods shown in class:

Session Two - Web Development Lab Exercise

You may download the lab exercise files here. Unzip the file to the same folder on your hard disk. The home page is called "index.html". Open this page in your web browser to view the model answer.

Here are the links for downloading the NVU web authoring package (it's FREE):
These are the web pages finished during the Monday class.

Session 1 - E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems

We finished the class lecture and tutorial exercise. Students were also asked to form groups of three to four students per group.

Here are the combined class answers for Tutorial One.

Some demos shown in class:

Welcome to our Class Blog !

Hello everybody, welcome to our class blog !

Hope that we can interact and learn from one another in this small corner of cyberspace...